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New Direct Flights to Bali Proposed by 13 International Airlines

Thirteen international airlines are planning to introduce direct flights to Bali , targeting major markets such as China, Russia, Japan, India, and the United States. These routes are currently in the proposal stage. Handy Heryudhitiawan, the General Manager of I Gusti Ngurah Rai Bali Airport, shared that some airlines have submitted requests for regular flight slots. While these requests have been made, the services have not yet commenced. Several airlines , which secured slots for the 2023 dry season , have yet to begin operations. “T hey are required to reapply for flight approvals, including their schedules and the type of aircraft they intend to use, ” Handy explained.  The airport is still awaiting confirmations on these proposed plans. According to Tjok Bagus Pemayun, Head of Bali’s Provincial Tourism Office, three or four of these proposed airlines are from China. Prior to the pandemic, 15 Chinese cities had direct flights to Bali, but none are currently operational. Pe

Evolving Perceptions of Tattoos in Bali: From Tradition to Modern Artistry

A picture of 2 hands, one with many tattoos

Stereotypes are a persistent part of society, shaping how we view and judge others. As defined by Merriam-Webster (2009), a stereotype is "a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing."

In relation to tattoos, these perceptions can be both positive and negative, molded by historical, cultural, and societal influences.

Positive Views of Tattoos

In today's world, tattoos have increasingly become recognized as a legitimate form of personal expression and artistry. In Bali, a place known for its rich and diverse tattoo culture, tattoos are often seen as symbols of creativity and individuality. A tattoo in Bali might signify a personal achievement or serve as a medium for artistic expression, allowing individuals to narrate their stories or highlight their unique identities. Some also choose tattoos to enhance their desired body image.

Bali’s tattoo studios are acclaimed for their talented artists who skillfully combine traditional techniques with modern designs. This positive perspective on tattoos highlights the artistry and craftsmanship involved, portraying tattooed individuals as creative and culturally aware. The growing trend of tattoo tourism, where people specifically travel to places like Bali to get tattoos, further supports this viewpoint. Tattoo artists in Bali are especially praised for creating intricate, meaningful designs inspired by the island's rich cultural traditions.

Negative Views of Tattoos

Despite the rising acceptance of tattoos, negative stereotypes persist. Historically, tattoos have been associated with rebellion, criminal activity, and social nonconformity. Popular culture has often reinforced these perceptions, portraying tattooed individuals as outcasts or members of fringe groups. This negative stereotype suggests that those with tattoos are less trustworthy or professional, particularly in conservative settings.

These outdated perceptions can lead to unfair judgments. For instance, someone with visible tattoos might be seen as less competent or reliable in certain professional environments. The continued association of tattoos with negative subcultures, such as gangs or prison life, still impacts how tattoos are viewed, even as tattooing gains recognition as a legitimate art form. In Bali, where tattooing has deep cultural roots, these negative stereotypes can sometimes clash with the local appreciation for the cultural significance of tattoos.

Challenging Stereotypes

The way tattoos are perceived, both positively and negatively, is gradually changing. In Bali, where the tattoo culture is vibrant and respected, these stereotypes are being challenged by the reality of tattooing as an art form and a personal journey. Bali’s tattoo studios are at the forefront of this shift, offering spaces where creativity and cultural respect are prioritized.

Tattoo artists in Bali, many of whom are deeply connected to the island’s traditions, are playing a crucial role in transforming how tattoos are viewed. By blending traditional and contemporary influences in their designs, they help broaden the understanding of tattoos as expressions of both personal and cultural identity. As more people seek to get tattoos in Bali, the positive perceptions are likely to become more prominent, gradually replacing the negative associations of the past.


Tattoos are a significant form of self-expression that transcend cultural boundaries. The stereotypes associated with tattoos, deeply rooted in history and culture, are continuously evolving. In Bali, where tattooing is both a time-honored tradition and a modern art form, there is a growing recognition of the skill, creativity, and cultural importance behind each design. By challenging outdated stereotypes, Bali’s tattoo culture is contributing to a more nuanced and positive understanding of what it means to be tattooed.
